Monday, September 17, 2012

Starting and Stopping Oracle Application server 10g sequence

Starting and Stopping Oracle Application server 10g sequence

Hi All,
Oracle Application Server 10g (OAS 10g) Starting and Stopping sequence is very important when you have to bring all the services up & running.If the sequence changes than you might face some issues like some services will be down and not possible to bring up those services,This issue I faced when working with Oracle 10g Appplication server where weekly maintainance activity result in some applications down,so the correct order of starting and Stopping Oracle 10g Application server services are as follows:

Starting Oracle 10g Application server:

1)Start the listener.

Start the listener from the server where Your Application services are running
$lsnrctl start

2)Start Database.

1)Start the listener.
Start the listener from the server where Your Application services are running
On Windows server:
C:\Users\user>set ORACLE_SID=DB_NAME

On Unix based server:

3)Start Infrastructure services:
Make sure you are in Infra Home=>opmn=>bin directory.
$cd Oracle10g/Infra/opmn/bin
$opmnctl startall

4)Start Middle-tier services:
Make sure you are in Middle-tier Home=>opmn=>bin directory.
$cd Oracle10g/MidTier/opmn/bin
$opmnctl startall

Note 1:opmn stands for oracle process manager and notification server.
opmnctl startall:Start all application services like HTTP,OC4J,Wireless.....
opmnctl stopall: Stop all application services like HTTP,OC4J,Wireless.....

Note 2:Individual service or component can also be started/stopped with the help of opmnctl as follows:
$opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J Home
$opmnctl startproc component-type=OC4J
$opmnctl stopproc process-type=OC4J Home
$opmnctl stoproc component-type=OC4J
$opmnctl startproc ias-component=wireless
$opmnctl stopproc ias-component=wireless
$opmnctl stopproc process-type=OC4J_Wireless
$opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_Wireless

Stopping Oracle 10g Application server:

When you are stopping the services this order becomes reverse,so you have to follow the below steps:

1)Stop Middle-tier services:
Make sure you are in Middle-tier Home=>opmn=>bin directory.
$cd Oracle10g/MidTier/opmn/bin
$opmnctl stopall

2)Stop Infrastructure services:
Make sure you are in Infra Home=>opmn=>bin directory.
$cd Oracle10g/Infra/opmn/bin
$opmnctl stopall

3)Stop Database:
On Windows server:
C:\Users\user>set ORACLE_SID=DB_NAME
SQL>shutdown immediate

On Unix based server:
SQL>shutdown immediate

4)Stop the listener:
Stop the listener from the server where Your Application services are running
$lsnrctl stop

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