Overview of Inventory Transactions
2. Performing miscellaneous transactions (miscellaneous issues and receipts).
3. Transferring material between Organizations.
4. Tracking lots and serial numbers for an item (Assigning Lot Numbers, Assigning Serial Numbers).
5. Generating material shortage alerts and material shortage notifications.
6. Entering and maintaining movement statistics information.
7. Viewing Material Transactions.
8. Viewing material transaction accounting distributions.
9. Viewing Transaction Summaries for a range of dates.
10. Viewing Pending Transactions.
11. Viewing and Updating pending Transaction Interface Activity.
12. Purging Transaction History.
13. Viewing Serial Genealogy.
Transferring Material Between Subinventories:
1. You can transfer material within your current organization between subinventories, or between two locators within the same subinventory.
2. You can transfer from asset to expense subinventories, as well as from tracked to non–tracked subinventories. (Here Asset, Expense, Tracked and Non-Tracked are the types of subinventories)
3. If an item has a restricted list of subinventories (Item is sub inventory controlled.), you can only transfer material from and to subinventories in that list.
4. Oracle Inventory allows you to use user–defined transaction types when performing a subinventory transfer.
Steps for entering a subinventory transfer:
1. Navigate to the Subinventory Transfer window.
2. Enter the date and time of entry for the transaction.
3. Enter a transaction type for the subinventory transfer. This can either be a predefined system type or one you defined.
4. Optionally, enter the source of the transaction type ex: Inventory
5. Optionally, indicate if inventory information should be defaulted from the serial number.
6. Choose Transaction Lines in the Subinventory Transfer window. The Transaction Lines Detail folder window appears.
7. Enter an inventory item to transfer. If you choose to default inventory information from the serial number (step5), enter a serial number.
8. Optionally, enter the revision for the item. You must enter a value here if the item is under revision control.
9. Enter the subinventories from and to which to transfer material. Enter the same subinventory in the Sub and To Sub fields to transfer material between locators.
10. Optionally, enter the locators from and to which to transfer the item. You must enter a value here if you established locator control. You can enter a new value in the To Locator field only if you defined locator control as dynamic entry.
11. Optionally, enter a lot number for the item. If you want to enter multiple lot numbers, complete the remaining steps then choose the Lot/Serial button to display the Lot Entry window.
12. Enter a unit of measure. This can be the primary unit of measure (the default) or any valid alternate unit of measure. If you enter an alternate unit of measure, Oracle Inventory issues the quantity you specify in this unit of measure. Oracle Inventory also converts the quantity to the primary unit of measure so that it can correctly update the on–hand quantity.
13. Enter the quantity of the inventory item to transfer, based on the unit of measure you specified.
14. Optionally, enter a reason code for the transaction. For example, you can use reason codes to allow you to mark exceptional charges to support a quality data collection and reporting system.
15. Optionally, enter up to 240 characters of free text that describes the transaction. (Reference field).
To view quantity available and quantity on hand values:
Look at the following fields in the form.
Available: Displays the quantity available to transfer, based on the unit of measure you specified. The available quantity is the quantity on hand less all reservations for the item. This amount could include the amount you have reserved if you enter a transaction source that has reservations against it. The available quantity includes reservations against current transaction source. The available quantity is specific to the revision level, lot number, From subinventory, and From locator you specify for the transfer.
Reservations will always be against a Transaction Source (Inventory, Purchase Order etc.)
On hand: Displays the current on–hand quantity for the item, based on the unit of measure you specified. The on–hand quantity is specific to the revision, lot number, From subinventory, and From locator you specify for the transfer. On–hand includes quantities for pending transactions in the MTL–MATERIAL–TRANSACTIONS table.
Performing Miscellaneous Transactions
With a miscellaneous transaction you can issue material to or receive material from general ledger accounts in your current organization.
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